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Facade insulation cost: choosing the most economical way

Insulation of the walls of the house at a price can differ significantly, depending on the materials and technologies that the owner chooses. Most often, this is the installation of polystyrene or mineral wool under plaster (“wet facade”), spraying polyurethane foam under siding or foam thermopanels with finished clinker tiles. Let’s compare the cost of facade insulation on the market in each individual case, including the prices of installation work for facade insulation, the price of insulation and the price of decor. And we will determine which of the listed methods is the most economical.

The cost of insulating the facade with foam

  • For work on wall insulation with foam, an average price of 250 hryvnia per square meter is asked. This is the installation of expanded polystyrene, reinforcement, plastering and painting. Separately paid: replacement of low tides on the windows – from 120 hryvnia running meter, external slopes – from 150 hryvnia running meter, as well as other work as agreed with the team.
  • The total cost of house insulation with polystyrene on a turnkey basis, including the price of work and materials, in the market is 400-760 UAH per square meter. The figure depends on the brand and thickness of the foam, the high cost of decor, the amount of additional materials.

It is believed that if all the nuances of insulation are observed, a “wet facade” based on PPP can be operated for 20-30 years. To do this, you need to competently perform the installation, observe the temperature regime, use high quality foam, as well as compatible installation and finishing materials.

In practice, more often than not, the cost of insulating a facade with foam plastic does not end with the installation price. After 3-7 years, under conditions of temperature fluctuations, the plaster cracks and fades, and the areas of the decorative coating need to be renewed. In more difficult cases, if the technology is not followed, the insulation moves away from the walls and needs to be replaced.

Polyurethane foam insulation of walls: the price of installation and materials

  • Insulation of the house outside the PPU seems inexpensive at a price – 85-150 hryvnia per square meter, but the cost increases with the height of the work. In addition, the delivery of equipment to the site and the rental of a generator to connect it may be paid separately.
  • The total price for facade insulation with polyurethane foam (PPU + spraying + siding + its installation) is on average 590-840 hryvnia per square meter, depending on the complexity and thickness of the spraying, as well as the type of decor. But this price is not final, since due to the absorption of polyurethane foam into the walls, temperature, humidity and wind, it is possible to overspend the material by half, or even more.

The service life of the facade insulated with polyurethane foam is from 30 years, but this is a calculated figure that is not confirmed by facts, since the method is quite new. Whether you need to invest in maintenance depends on the quality of the finish: sometimes some PVC panels need to be replaced due to damage or metal siding due to corrosion.

Thermal insulation of facades: the price of thermal panels and their turnkey installation

  • When the walls are insulated from the outside with thermal panels, the turnkey installation price is from 280 hryvnia per square meter. The price of thermal panels depends on the type of tiles and the thickness of the insulation. Slopes and similar additional work are assessed separately, depending on the complexity. At the same time, the preliminary departure of the consultant for measurements is free, and if the volume of the order is large enough, delivery of front panels can be free.
  • Full house insulation, including the cost of work (260-280 UAH), thermoblocks (225-570 UAH) and additional materials (55-65 UAH) comes out at 540-915 UAH per square meter. The price of a thermal panel depends on the type of natural clay, porcelain stoneware or stone tiles used, and its cost already includes finishing works for gluing clinker.

This is a type of insulation, the price of which is final: when facing walls with thermal panels, there are no costs during operation. A warm facade can perform its functions for about 50 years without the need for repairs thanks to the successful combination of high-quality foam plastic and durable natural tiles, which are superior in their properties to plaster. Thermal panels are guaranteed for 25 years, and for decorative tiles – 50 years.

Comparison of prices on the insulation market

Insulation typeTurnkey installation cost, including finishing, UAH per m2Cost of installation and materials, UAH per m2
Thermal panels “Termodom”260-280540-915
Mineral wool300-420600-960
Polyurethane foam85-150590-840

The most profitable insulation – price / quality

At first glance, the lowest price of facade insulation is for ordinary foam under the “bark beetle”. However, alterations during operation, which are quite likely due to the low durability of the coating, can make this method completely uneconomical.

At the same time, the cost of insulating a facade with thermal panels is average, and sometimes even higher than alternatives. But it includes the quality of expanded polystyrene produced in our own workshop in accordance with GOST, as well as ceramic or stone decorative tiles from leading European factories. This allows you to operate a warm facade for many years without investing additional funds in it: other methods cannot boast such a long warranty and a real service life without the need for repair. As a result, thermal insulation with thermal panels in the process of use is cheaper than alternatives.

The most profitable and economical insulation of facades in terms of service, price / quality ratio, and in terms of the days of use are thermal panels with clinker tiles from the Termodom company.

If you have any questions, you can call us or leave a request for a call back. We will be happy to help you insulate your home economically!

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